What is a "Recip"?
A 'recip' (short for 'recipient') is like a surrogate mother. A recip is a cow or heifer that is implanted with an embryo from a donor cow & bull with desired genetics. This Recip cow carries the embryo to term, giving birth to and raising the calf until weaning. Although the calf has no genetic relationship to the recipient, this process allows the donor cow to maximize her genetic contribution while the recip provides care and nourishment to the calf.
What We Offer
Our genetics are second to none, and carefully selected by experts in Highland Cattle breeding. Each pairing is thoughtfully planned to create a unique genetic package, showcasing the finest qualities of Scottish Highland cattle.
We offer both confirmed pregnant recips, and embryos you can implant in your own recipient cattle.
Recips and Frozen Embryos can be a budget friendly alternative to live cattle when purchasing Registered Highlands.