After living 8 years in Europe while Spencer played professional basketball, we were ready to slow down and live the simple life. Chelsey has always had a passion for animals and admires the "self sustaining" lifestyle. Once Spencer met his Highland Cattle he couldn't get land fast enough. Since acquiring our land and adding 2 (soon to be 3!!) kids to the bunch, we have been fully devoted to making Golden Hour Farm a fully operational, self sustaining, and beautiful farm. We hope our love, passion, and authentic lifestyle gets passed down through our livestock to our customers. Whether we serve 1 or 1 million people, we are honored to be part of the farming community. We believe there is no better place to raise a family than right here on our farm, Golden Hour Farm.


We aim to provide the healthiest and happiest lives we are able to give our cows. We have an immense amount of respect for what they provide for us. They are raised on a grass-fed diet which raises the omega-3 content in the meat. We are most proud of the fact that our cows are pasture-raised in the hills of Cache Valley. They get adequate exercise and movement and are able to practice grazing the way nature intended them to graze. We do not use any added hormones. Our beef is dry aged for 21 days for added tenderness and flavor. Our beef is traditional, clean, and very high quality.


After beginning life on the ranch, we found that one of our favorite parts of owning a farm was horseback riding! We chose to use horses to move and work with our cattle (as opposed to ATV’s or other methods) and have found so much joy in that.